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Sangría Española
By del Mar Clark

1 bottle of red table wine (750 ml)
2 peaches
1 apple
Freshly squeezed orange juice (500 ml)
Juice of 1 freshly squeezed lemon
Sweet syrup: 2 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of water
Optional: Orange Fanta® or Sprite® (500 ml)

Pour the bottle of wine into a large container you plan to use to serve the sangría. Peel the peaches and cut them up into little squares. Drop them into the wine. Cut the apples into little squares and drop them into the wine, as well. Add the orange and lemon juice. Make sure none of the seeds drop in. Let's sweeten the sangría with a homemade syrup. In a small saucepan, stir in the water and the sugar. On medium heat, stir the sugar until it is completely dissolved, and pour into the wine. Let the sangría sit for 2 hours at room temperature so that the wine picks up the flavor of the fruit and tastes like a true sangría. Add the Sprite or Orange Fanta. Serve over ice. Enjoy!